To test the efficiency of the #GXT-LUBE on an engine, we carried out bench tests1 with a 2019 Volkswagen Golf 5P 1.6 TDI 115CV. We reached a power engine increase equal to 5 HP at the minimum torque and to 1,25 HP at maximum torque.
We used a 5W-30 full synthetic lubricating oil to carry out our test, at first without our additive and then with our #GXT-LUBE2. The test can be divided in two part:
- In the first part, the car was kept accelerated for an hour at 2500 rpm, to evaluate the increase in temperature and to stress the oil;
- Then we carried out a sequence of three accelerations for each oil. We discarded the first acceleration because the engine and all mechanical parts are not in a steady state of temperatures and lubrication yet.
Before the beginning of each prove, we changed also the oil filter. In the table, we show the average power calculated at minimum and maximum torque.
Operating point | Torque_Max | Torque_Min |
Average power 5W-30 (HP) | 96,25 | 96,3 |
Average power 5W-30 + GXT-LUBE (HP) | 97,5 | 101,5 |
After data analysis, we obtained the greatest increase in power (5 HP) at minimum torque in both second and third acceleration. The average values are equal to 101.5 CV for the oil added with the GXT-LUBE and to 96.3 CV for the 5W-30 base oil. The figures show some of power curves from which we took the data1.

[1]Autofficina Gamberini, histoirc car-garage active in classic and racing car since 1971.
[2]Full synthetic oil lubricant 5W30, ACEA C3, API CF, GM Dexos 2, FIAT 9.55535-S3, MB 229.31, 226.5.